Saturday, May 28, 2011

I am Grateful for Evening Light

I am grateful for evening light.  No wonder this is the best time to take pictures.  There is something calming about the shadows getting long, ebbing their way across my street.  I love the bright orange glow reflecting off my neighbors’ houses as if they were capturing the sun in a copper bucket. 

Although this light is available daily (at least when it is not raining!), it doesn’t last long. A lot of life is like this: readily available, yet strangely elusive. 

It is during this time the wind eases and line definition becomes softer in the setting sun.  With the sharp contrast of noon gone, the world looks diffused, imperfections are muted and people even appear younger. Maybe this is why it is my favorite time of day!  Mostly, I appreciate how this evening light makes me feel.  I have found that as the mountains shine with amber, my soul fills with peace the same way fresh baked bread satiates and warms my belly. 

Now I’m hungry. :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice imagery. You are good at penning your thoughts. Thanks for sharing!
